Salary Structure

Salary structure of River Basin Development Authorities (RBDA)

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Embarking on a career journey at a River Basin Development Authority (RBDA) in Nigeria promises exciting opportunities in water resource management. However, comprehending the salary structure is essential for informed decision-making. In this guide, we’ll break down the compensation packages for various positions within RBDAs, from entry-level to executive roles.

Entry-Level Salaries:

Starting positions at RBDAs, such as Junior Engineers, Hydrologists, and Soil Scientists, typically offer monthly salaries ranging from ₦45,000 to ₦60,000. These figures may vary depending on factors like qualifications and location.

Mid-Level Salaries:

As you progress in your career, roles like Senior Engineers, Hydrologists, and Soil Scientists offer higher salaries ranging from ₦70,000 to ₦90,000 per month.

Senior Level Salaries:

For Principal Engineers, Hydrologists, and Soil Scientists, salaries can range from ₦95,000 to ₦120,000 monthly.

Management Salaries:

Those in management positions, including Chief Engineers, Hydrologists, Soil Scientists, and departmental heads, can earn between ₦130,000 and ₦160,000 per month.

Executive Level Salaries:

Directors and General Managers at RBDAs can expect salaries exceeding ₦160,000 monthly, with potential increments based on performance and experience.

Factors Affecting Salary:

Several factors influence salary variations within RBDAs:

  1. Specific RBDA: Each authority may have its unique salary structure.
  2. Location: Salaries may differ based on the region, with higher rates in major cities.
  3. Qualifications and Experience: Advanced degrees and extensive experience can significantly impact earning potential.


Understanding the salary structure at RBDAs is crucial for individuals aspiring to pursue careers in water resource management. While entry-level positions offer modest salaries, career progression and qualifications can lead to substantial increases. Factors like location and experience also play significant roles in determining earning potential within RBDAs.


1.What are the typical entry-level positions at RBDAs?

Entry-level roles include Junior Engineers, Hydrologists, and Soil Scientists.

2.How can qualifications and experience affect salary at RBDAs?

Advanced degrees and extensive experience can lead to higher salaries and faster career progression.

3.Are salaries at RBDAs consistent across all locations in Nigeria?

No, salaries may vary based on the specific RBDA and the location, with higher rates in major cities

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