Salary Structure

Salary structure of Social Sciences Education graduate in Nigeria

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Are you a recent Social Sciences Education graduate, eager to step into the professional realm but unsure about the financial landscape? Fear not, as we unveil the salary mysteries across various sectors and career stages in Nigeria, helping you navigate your career journey with confidence.

Where Social Sciences Education Graduates Work in Nigeria

Educational Institutions

Primary & Secondary Schools: Entry-level teachers can anticipate monthly salaries ranging from ₦30,000 to ₦45,000, with senior positions like Vice Principals reaching six figures.

Tertiary Institutions: Universities offer slightly higher starting points, averaging ₦40,000 to ₦50,000 monthly, with professors earning upwards of ₦300,000.

 Government & Public Sector

Ministries of Education: Entry-level roles start around ₦45,000 to ₦55,000 monthly, scaling up with seniority and specialization.

Research Institutes & Think Tanks: Research Officers begin around ₦40,000 to ₦50,000 monthly, advancing to ₦80,000 or higher for senior roles.

NGOs & International Organizations

Local NGOs: Starting salaries typically range from ₦35,000 to ₦45,000 monthly, while program managers can earn up to ₦80,000 or higher.

International Organizations: Entry-level positions start around ₦50,000 to ₦60,000 monthly, with senior roles exceeding ₦100,000.


Expect ₦30,000 to ₦50,000 monthly, varying based on organization type, location, and role. Private schools may offer lower compensation than public institutions, and rural areas usually have lower pay scales.


Salaries range from ₦55,000 to ₦80,000 monthly for experienced professionals. Additional qualifications like Master’s degrees can boost earning potential, with leadership roles reaching ₦100,000 or higher.

Senior Level:

Seasoned veterans can earn over ₦100,000 monthly, with senior leadership positions in schools or government agencies reaching six figures.


For Social Sciences Education graduates in Nigeria, the professional landscape offers a diverse array of opportunities across educational institutions, government sectors, NGOs, and international organizations. Understanding the salary dynamics at each career stage empowers graduates to make informed decisions and chart a rewarding career path.


1. What factors influence salary variations for Social Sciences Education graduates?

  • Salary discrepancies can arise from organization type, location (urban vs. rural), level of experience, additional qualifications, and specific job roles.

2. How can I increase my earning potential in this field?

  • Pursuing higher education such as Master’s degrees or acquiring professional certifications can significantly boost your earning potential. Additionally, seeking leadership roles or specializing in niche areas can command higher salaries.

3. Are international organizations the most lucrative option for Social Sciences Education graduates?

  • While international organizations often offer competitive salaries, the most lucrative option depends on individual career goals, preferences, and opportunities for growth and advancement within different sectors.

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