Salary Structure

Salary structure of Ophthalmology in Nigeria

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Are you intrigued by the inner workings of the human eye and the prospect of restoring sight to others? Ophthalmology might be the career path for you! Not only does this field offer the opportunity to improve patients’ quality of life, but it also comes with the practical consideration of earning potential. Let’s delve into the salary structure of ophthalmology in Nigeria, offering insights for both newcomers and seasoned professionals.

Where Ophthalmologists Can Work in Nigeria


Whether it’s public or private, hospitals are primary employers for ophthalmologists. Salary scales may vary based on factors like location, hospital size, and reputation.

Eye Clinics

Specialized eye clinics focus on particular eye conditions or procedures, providing a dedicated environment for ophthalmologists to practice their craft.

Universities and Research Institutions

Academic settings offer avenues for teaching, research, and patient care. While salaries here may be lower than in private practice, they can be supplemented by research grants.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

NGOs dedicated to eye care often hire ophthalmologists to serve underserved communities. These roles may offer competitive salaries alongside the chance to contribute to a social cause.

Salary Levels

Entry-Level (0-4 Years)

Fresh graduates typically start as resident ophthalmologists, gaining experience under senior doctors’ guidance. Annual salaries for this level range from NGN 1,200,000 to NGN 1,800,000.

Mid-Level (4-9 Years)

With experience and honed skills, progression to a consultant ophthalmologist role is common. Expect a significant rise in earning potential, with salaries ranging from NGN 2,400,000 to NGN 4,200,000 annually.

Senior Level (10+ Years)

Seasoned ophthalmologists with established reputations command premium salaries. Senior professionals can earn between NGN 4,800,000 to NGN 7,200,000 annually, with potential for higher earnings in prestigious private practices or leadership positions.


Embarking on a career in ophthalmology in Nigeria offers a blend of professional fulfillment and financial reward. Whether you’re starting as a resident or aiming for senior leadership roles, the field promises opportunities for growth and impact. By understanding the salary structure and potential career paths, aspiring ophthalmologists can chart their course with confidence.


1. What are the typical work hours for ophthalmologists in Nigeria?

Ophthalmologists in Nigeria usually work standard hours, but emergency cases might require additional time.

2. Are there opportunities for specialization within ophthalmology in Nigeria?

Yes, there are various subspecialties within ophthalmology, including retinal surgery, cornea and external diseases, and pediatric ophthalmology, among others.

3. How competitive is it to secure a residency position in ophthalmology in Nigeria?

Residency positions in ophthalmology can be competitive, with candidates needing strong academic records and performance in entrance exams. However, dedication and passion for the field can greatly enhance one’s chances of success.

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