Salary Structure

Polytechnic Non-Academic Staff Salary Structure In Nigeria

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If you’ve ever wondered about the pay structure for non-academic staff in Nigerian polytechnics, brace yourself. The starting salary can be as low as N100,000 to N150,000 per month. To put this into perspective, this is often not enough to cover the living costs in many areas where these polytechnics are situated. As these staff members gain experience, the salary might inch up a bit, but even after a decade on the job, they might still be looking at just N200,000 to N250,000 per month.

On top of this basic pay, there are some allowances like housing and transport, but they rarely bridge the gap to a comfortable living.

The Downside of Low Pay

This low pay isn’t just a number; it has real-life consequences:

  1. Attraction and Retention Issues: With such low salaries, it’s hard to attract qualified staff, let alone keep them. Many end up leaving for better-paying jobs in other sectors or even abroad.
  2. Low Morale: Imagine working hard every day and feeling like you’re not adequately compensated. This inevitably leads to poor morale, affecting the quality of services provided to students and others in the polytechnic.
  3. Brain Drain: This isn’t just about individuals leaving jobs; it’s about a loss of valuable skills from Nigeria as a whole.

What Can Be Done?

So, what’s the solution? Here are some steps that could help:

  1. Government Support: The government could step in with financial aid to polytechnics, specifically targeting improvements in non-academic staff salaries.
  2. Union Negotiations: Polytechnics should work closely with staff unions to negotiate better pay scales.
  3. Increased Funding: More investment in polytechnics could help increase revenue, allowing for better salaries.


The issue of low salaries for non-academic staff in Nigerian polytechnics is a pressing concern that needs immediate attention. Addressing this problem is not just about fairness; it’s about investing in the future of education and ensuring that our polytechnics can attract and retain the best talent.


  1. Why are the salaries so low in the first place?

    • The low salaries are often due to limited funding for polytechnics, leading to budget constraints that affect staff salaries.
  2. How do these low salaries affect students?

    • Low morale and dissatisfaction among staff can lead to decreased quality of service and support for students.
  3. Are there any ongoing efforts to address this issue?

    • Yes, there are ongoing discussions and negotiations between polytechnics, unions, and the government to find solutions to this problem.

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