Salary Structure

FUDMA Non-Academic Staff Salary Structure

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Federal University Dutsin-Ma (FUDMA) stands tall as one of Nigeria’s prominent universities. Behind its academic success lies a dedicated team of non-academic staff crucial for its daily operations. However, there’s a concerning issue that’s been overshadowing their commitment – the salary structure.

Understanding the Salary Structure:

At FUDMA, the basic salary for entry-level non-academic staff ranges from N150,000 to N200,000 monthly. To put this into perspective, the cost of living in Katsina State, where FUDMA is situated, often exceeds these figures. As these employees gain experience, salary increments are minimal. Even after a decade of service, they might earn just N250,000 to N300,000 per month. While there are allowances like housing and transport, they hardly bridge the gap left by the low basic salary.

The Impact of Low Salaries:

  1. Attraction and Retention Issues: With such low pay, FUDMA struggles to attract and keep talented staff. Many opt for better-paying opportunities elsewhere.
  2. Low Morale: Poor compensation leads to dissatisfaction, affecting the quality of service provided to students and others.
  3. Brain Drain: Skilled staff leave the country, contributing to Nigeria’s brain drain.

Possible Solutions:

  1. Salary Increase: FUDMA’s administration needs to boost non-academic staff salaries.
  2. Additional Benefits: Providing housing and transportation allowances can help improve overall compensation.
  3. Government Support: Financial aid from the government could help FUDMA enhance its salary structure.


The salary issue for non-academic staff at FUDMA isn’t just about numbers; it’s about recognizing and valuing their contributions. Addressing this challenge is crucial for the university’s growth and reputation. With collaborative efforts from the university administration, government, and staff unions, positive changes can be achieved.


1. Why are salaries at FUDMA lower than the cost of living?

  • FUDMA’s salary structure hasn’t kept pace with the rising cost of living in Katsina State, leading to financial challenges for non-academic staff.

2. How do low salaries affect FUDMA’s overall performance?

  • Low salaries can result in high staff turnover, decreased morale, and a decline in the quality of services provided, impacting the university’s reputation and growth.

3. Can the government step in to help improve salaries?

  • Yes, financial support from the government can assist FUDMA in enhancing its salary structure, making it more competitive and attractive for non-academic staff.

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