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University of Manchester Humanities International Excellence Scholarship

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Manchester Humanities International Excellence Scholarship

The University of Manchester is proud to offer scholarship awards to exceptional international students commencing their postgraduate studies across subjects in its Faculty of Humanities from September 2022.

This scholarship is open to applicants who hold an offer from Manchester for postgraduate (taught master’s) programmes. Evaluation will be based on academic merit. All offer-holders who meet our criteria will be granted a scholarship in the form of a tuition fee discount.

Also check: Scholarships for International Students University of Applied Sciences Germany


To be eligible for a Manchester Humanities International Excellence Scholarship, you must:

  • be domiciled in one of the countries listed below;
  • hold an offer to study with us on an eligible programme;
  • meet or exceed specified academic entry criteria for the programme applied to;
  • be self-funded (not sponsored).

This award is available to applicants domiciled in:

Also check: British Council’s GREAT Scholarships Program 2022-2023


How do I apply?

You do not need to make a separate application for one of these scholarships. All eligible applicants will have their scholarship confirmed once they have met their academic offer conditions.

If you believe you have now met your academic offer conditions, you can contact your School Admissions team who will take this forward. To do this, you can respond to previous email correspondence about your application, or find their contact details on your course page.


To be eligible for a Manchester Humanities International Excellence Scholarship, applicants must meet or exceed the below academic entry criteria in their undergraduate (bachelor’s) studies from their country of domicile (equating to 5% above our usual entry requirements):

Also check this: Scholarships in Dubai (UAE) 2022-2023: Study and Live In Dubai For Free

Which programmes are eligible?

Humanities programmes – Manchester Institute of Education

Applicants who meet the academic criteria for these programmes will be granted a 20% scholarship in the form of a discount on the programme’s tuition fees:

Click here for eligibility criteria and how to apply from the official website
Also check these:
Canadian Scholarships For International Students – Fully Funded
The James Madison Graduate Scholarship USA 2022 [$24,000 per Annum]

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