Salary Structure

Salary Structure of the Nigerian Integrated Water Resources Commission (NIWRC)

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Water is an essential resource for life, and managing it effectively is crucial for sustainable development. In Nigeria, the Nigerian Integrated Water Resources Commission (NIWRC) plays a pivotal role in the management and development of water resources across the country.

What Does NIWRC Do?

The NIWRC is a government agency tasked with various responsibilities to ensure the sustainable use and protection of water resources in Nigeria. Here’s a breakdown of their key functions:

  1. Policy Development: NIWRC develops and implements policies and strategies aimed at the sustainable use of water resources. This involves planning and setting guidelines to ensure water is used efficiently and sustainably.
  2. Regulation and Protection: The agency regulates water use to prevent over-exploitation and contamination, ensuring that water quality remains high and safe for consumption and other uses.
  3. Monitoring and Assessment: NIWRC continually monitors and assesses water resources across Nigeria. This helps in understanding water availability, usage patterns, and potential challenges, allowing for informed decision-making.
  4. Public Awareness: NIWRC promotes public awareness campaigns on water conservation and management. Through education and outreach, they aim to encourage individuals and communities to use water wisely and protect water sources.

Who Works at NIWRC?

NIWRC’s team is made up of diverse professionals, including engineers, scientists, economists, and social scientists. Each plays a unique role in ensuring the effective management of Nigeria’s water resources.

Salary Structure at NIWRC

For those interested in working with NIWRC, it’s good to know about the salary structure. Salaries are based on the Consolidated Public Sector Salary Structure (CONPASS), which is the standard for federal government employees in Nigeria. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  • Entry-Level Salaries:

    • CONPASS 07: ₦49,065 – ₦54,999
    • CONPASS 08: ₦56,509 – ₦63,851
    • CONPASS 09: ₦64,453 – ₦72,740
  • Mid-Level Salaries:

    • CONPASS 10: ₦73,563 – ₦81,589
    • CONPASS 11: ₦83,161 – ₦92,139
    • CONPASS 12: ₦93,355 – ₦104,709
  • Senior-Level Salaries:

    • CONPASS 13: ₦105,301 – ₦118,337
    • CONPASS 14: ₦119,377 – ₦134,436
    • CONPASS 15: ₦135,551 – ₦153,735


The Nigerian Integrated Water Resources Commission (NIWRC) plays a vital role in managing and protecting Nigeria’s water resources. With a diverse team of professionals and a focus on sustainability, NIWRC is committed to ensuring that water remains available, clean, and accessible for all Nigerians.


1. What is NIWRC’s main role?

NIWRC is responsible for the management and development of water resources in Nigeria. They develop policies, regulate water use, monitor resources, and promote water conservation.

2. Who can work at NIWRC?

NIWRC employs a diverse range of professionals, including engineers, scientists, economists, and social scientists. If you have the relevant qualifications and skills, you can consider a career with NIWRC.

3. How is the salary determined at NIWRC?

Salaries at NIWRC are based on the Consolidated Public Sector Salary Structure (CONPASS), which sets the standard salary for federal government employees in Nigeria. The salary varies based on the level of the position, from entry-level to senior-level roles.

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