Salary Structure

Salary structure of Medical Laboratory Sciences in Nigeria

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Medical laboratory science is a cornerstone of Nigeria’s healthcare system, providing essential diagnostic and analytical services. If you’re considering a career in this field, you might be curious about the salary structure and career prospects. Let’s dive into the world of medical laboratory science salaries in Nigeria, breaking down entry-level positions, career progression, and earning potential at different stages.

Where Can Medical Laboratory Scientists Work?

As a graduate in medical laboratory science, your skills are versatile, opening doors to various employment opportunities:

  1. Public Hospitals and Clinics: Government-run healthcare facilities offer stable jobs with salaries determined by grade levels and steps under the Consolidated Public Service Salary Structure (CONPASS).
  2. Private Hospitals and Clinics: Private healthcare institutions often provide competitive salaries, potentially exceeding those in the public sector. However, benefits and job security can vary.
  3. Research Institutions and Universities: Academic and research settings offer roles aligned with scientific discovery and development, with salaries influenced by funding and institutional budgets.
  4. Diagnostic Laboratories: Independent labs provide a fast-paced environment with competitive salaries, often accompanied by bonuses based on performance.
  5. Pharmaceutical Companies: Some pharmaceutical firms hire medical laboratory scientists for various roles, including product development, quality control, and clinical trials.

Salary Breakdown by Experience Level

Entry-Level (0-3 Years of Experience)

  • Public Hospitals and Clinics: ₦140,000 – ₦200,000 per month
  • Private Hospitals and Clinics: ₦160,000 – ₦250,000 per month
  • Research Institutions and Universities: ₦120,000 – ₦180,000 per month
  • Diagnostic Laboratories: ₦150,000 – ₦220,000 per month
  • Pharmaceutical Companies: ₦180,000 – ₦280,000 per month

Mid-Career (4-7 Years of Experience)

  • Public Hospitals and Clinics: ₦220,000 – ₦300,000 per month
  • Private Hospitals and Clinics: ₦280,000 – ₦400,000 per month
  • Research Institutions and Universities: ₦200,000 – ₦320,000 per month
  • Diagnostic Laboratories: ₦240,000 – ₦380,000 per month
  • Pharmaceutical Companies: ₦300,000 – ₦450,000 per month

Senior Level (8+ Years of Experience)

  • Public Hospitals and Clinics: ₦350,000 – ₦500,000 per month
  • Private Hospitals and Clinics: ₦450,000 – ₦600,000 per month
  • Research Institutions and Universities: ₦350,000 – ₦550,000 per month
  • Diagnostic Laboratories: ₦400,000 – ₦650,000 per month


Medical laboratory science offers a dynamic career path with opportunities for growth and advancement. Salaries vary based on experience, employer, and sector. Whether you choose to work in public hospitals, private clinics, research institutions, diagnostic labs, or pharmaceutical companies, your skills as a medical laboratory scientist are in demand, contributing significantly to Nigeria’s healthcare landscape.


1.What factors influence medical laboratory science salaries?

Salaries are influenced by experience, employer type (public or private), geographic location, and specialization within the field.

2.Are there opportunities for career advancement?

Yes, medical laboratory scientists can advance to supervisory or managerial roles, pursue specialization through further education, or transition into academia or research.

3.How does the salary in Nigeria compare to other countries?

Salaries in Nigeria might be lower compared to some developed countries, but they can still provide a comfortable living, especially considering the lower cost of living in Nigeria

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