Salary Structure

CONTISS Salary Structure in Nigeria

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In Nigeria, the Consolidated Tertiary Salary Structure (CONTISS) stands as a transparent framework for determining salaries in tertiary institutions. This blog post explores the intricacies of CONTISS, shedding light on salary ranges, ranking systems, and the factors influencing employee compensation.

CONTISS Salary Overview:

Unlocking the secrets of CONTISS, we dive into the salary details that prospective academic and non-academic staff need to know:

Monthly Salary Range:

  • Minimum: ₦120,647
  • Maximum: ₦493,347
  • Average: ₦306,997

Employee Categories:

  • Academic: Professors, Teachers, Lecturers
  • Non-academic: Registrars, Librarians, Human Resources Management

Minimum Qualification: Varied, typically a Master’s or Ph.D. in a relevant field.

Salary Structure: Tiered, salaries vary based on ranks and experience.

Professor (CONUASS 7):

  • Male: ₦6,020,163
  • Female: ₦5,117,138

Reader (CONUASS 6):

  • Male: ₦5,004,750
  • Female: ₦4,253,038

Senior Lecturer (CONUASS 5):

  • Male: ₦4,455,506
  • Female: ₦3,787,180

And so forth for various positions.


In addition to the base salary, academic and non-academic employees receive various extras, including housing allowance, medical and life insurance, transport allowances, overtime bonuses, and pension benefits.

  • Housing Allowance: Support for housing-related expenses.
  • Medical and Life Insurance: Access to medical assistance at low or no cost.
  • Transport Allowances: Support for travel-related expenses.
  • Overtime Bonuses: Additional compensation for extra work hours.
  • Pension: Contributory pension schemes for long-term financial security.

Factors Influencing Salaries:

  • Gender: Disparities exist, with female employees generally receiving lower salaries compared to male counterparts.
  • Qualification: Higher qualifications lead to higher salaries, emphasizing quality over quantity.
  • Experience: Highly experienced employees command higher-rank salaries, while less experienced staff earn average or minimum salaries.

Responsibilities of CONTISS Employees:

  1. Teaching: Academic employees play a pivotal role in effective teaching at university or college levels.
  2. Research: Focusing on research is essential for academic employees to contribute meaningfully to their respective fields.
  3. Administrative Duties: Non-academic staff are involved in administrative services, ensuring the smooth functioning of the institution.


Understanding the CONTISS salary structure is crucial for those considering academic or non-academic positions in Nigeria. The system not only provides a clear framework for salary determination but also emphasizes the importance of qualifications, experience, and gender equity within the academic and non-academic sectors. Aspiring candidates should carefully consider these factors when navigating the CONTISS system for a fulfilling and equitable career.

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