Salary Structure

UNICAL Non-Academic Staff Salary Structure In Nigeria

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The University of Calabar (UNICAL) stands as one of Nigeria’s top universities. But did you know that behind its success lies a pressing issue concerning its non-academic staff’s salaries? Let’s dive into this topic and see what it means for UNICAL’s unsung heroes.

What Do Non-Academic Staff Earn at UNICAL?

Starting out at UNICAL, non-academic staff can expect a monthly salary between N100,000 to N150,000. While this might sound decent, it falls short when you consider the living costs in Calabar, a city known for its relatively high expenses.

As years go by and these staff members gain experience, their pay may rise, but only by a small margin. Imagine working diligently for a decade and still earning just N200,000 to N250,000 monthly. That’s hardly a substantial raise!

On top of their basic pay, they do receive allowances for housing and transport. Yet, these aren’t nearly enough to bridge the gap left by the low basic salary.

Why Does This Salary Issue Matter?

This salary crisis isn’t just numbers on a paycheck. It has real consequences:

  1. Attraction and Retention: With such low pay, UNICAL struggles to keep its skilled non-academic staff. Many opt for better-paying jobs elsewhere, be it in other universities or the private sector.
  2. Morale and Quality of Service: When employees feel undervalued, it reflects in their work. Low morale can affect the quality of service students and others receive.
  3. Brain Drain: It’s a loss for Nigeria too. Skilled staff leaving the country for better opportunities abroad drains our valuable talent pool.

How Can This Issue Be Addressed?

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but here are some steps UNICAL and stakeholders can consider:

  • Raise Salaries: UNICAL’s administration should consider a significant hike in salaries. Additionally, introducing better benefits like improved housing and transportation allowances could make a difference.
  • Government Aid: Financial support from the government could be a game-changer. It can help UNICAL boost the salaries without straining its budget.
  • Union Negotiations: Non-academic staff unions play a crucial role. They can negotiate with the university to bring about fairer wages and better working conditions.


The salary structure for non-academic staff at UNICAL is undeniably in need of a revamp. By addressing this issue, not only will UNICAL retain its talented staff but also ensure better service and contribute positively to Nigeria’s growth.


  1. Why are the salaries of non-academic staff at UNICAL so low?

    • The current salary structure doesn’t adequately account for the rising cost of living in Calabar and often doesn’t reflect the experience and skills of the staff.
  2. Can the government intervene to improve the salaries?

    • Yes, government financial support can be a significant boost for UNICAL to enhance its staff salaries.
  3. How do low salaries affect the quality of education at UNICAL?

    • Low salaries can lead to a brain drain of skilled staff, which can impact the quality of education and services provided to students and the university community.

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