Salary Structure

Salary structure of Health and Physical Education graduate in Nigeria

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Are you a recent graduate in Health and Physical Education, eager to dive into the fitness field but unsure about the earning potential? Worry not! Let’s navigate through the salary landscape in Nigeria and decode the numbers game to help you plan your financial journey effectively.

Where Can You Work?

  1. Schools: Whether it’s a public or private institution, primary or secondary level, schools are bustling hubs where you can shape young minds and bodies through various activities.
  2. Universities: Higher education institutions offer opportunities for research, teaching, and leading fitness programs, providing a more academic setting.
  3. Sports Clubs and Gyms: Dive into the dynamic private sector, crafting personalized training plans, coaching athletes, or energizing group fitness classes.
  4. Community Centers and NGOs: Contribute to public health outreach programs and community initiatives, promoting healthy lifestyles and combatting sedentary habits.
  5. Government Agencies: Join ministries of sports and health, contributing to program development, policy implementation, and public education campaigns.

Deciphering the Numbers: Salary Breakdown

Entry-Level Hustle (0-3 years)

  • Schools: Public schools typically offer ₦500,000 – ₦700,000 annually, while private schools may range from ₦700,000 – ₦900,000.
  • Universities: Research assistants start at ₦600,000 – ₦800,000, while entry-level teaching positions can fetch ₦800,000 – ₦1,000,000.
  • Sports Clubs and Gyms: Personal trainers might begin at ₦500,000 – ₦700,000, while gym instructors could start at ₦400,000 – ₦600,000.
  • Community Centers and NGOs: Project roles start around ₦550,000 – ₦750,000, with advocacy positions ranging from ₦650,000 – ₦850,000.
  • Government Agencies: Trainee positions could offer ₦500,000 – ₦700,000, with potential for quick advancement based on performance.

Mid-Career Momentum (3-7 years)

  • Schools: Experienced teachers in public schools can reach ₦800,000 – ₦1,200,000, while private schools might offer ₦1,000,000 – ₦1,500,000.
  • Universities: Lecturers with experience can earn ₦1,000,000 – ₦1,500,000, with senior research positions ranging from ₦1,200,000 – ₦1,800,000.
  • Sports Clubs and Gyms: Established trainers can command ₦700,000 – ₦1,000,000, while head coaches might earn ₦1,200,000 – ₦1,500,000.
  • Community Centers and NGOs: Program managers can earn ₦800,000 – ₦1,200,000, with advocacy leads ranging from ₦1,000,000 – ₦1,500,000.
  • Government Agencies: Mid-level policy officers can expect ₦800,000 – ₦1,200,000, with potential for significant rises based on expertise.

Seasoned Summit (7+ years)

  • Schools: Seasoned teachers can earn ₦1,200,000 – ₦1,800,000 in public schools, while private schools might offer ₦1,500,000 – ₦2,000,000+.
  • Universities: Senior lecturers can command ₦1,500,000 – ₦2,000,000+, with department heads potentially earning ₦2,000,000 – ₦2,500,000+.
  • Sports Clubs and Gyms: Highly sought-after trainers might earn ₦1,000,000 – ₦1,500,000+, while successful sports directors could reach ₦1,500,000 – ₦2,500,000+.
  • Community Centers and NGOs: Senior program directors might earn ₦1,200,000 – ₦1,800,000+, with executive directors ranging from ₦1,500,000 – ₦2,000,000+.
  • Government Agencies: Senior policy analysts and program managers can command ₦1,200,000 – ₦2,000,000+, with leadership positions potentially exceeding ₦2,500,000.


Embarking on a career in Health and Physical Education in Nigeria offers a diverse array of opportunities across various sectors. By understanding the salary structure and career progression, you can chart a course towards a financially rewarding future while making a positive impact on individuals and communities.


1. Are there opportunities for career advancement in this field?

Yes, there are ample opportunities for advancement, with roles ranging from entry-level positions to senior leadership roles in both public and private sectors.

2. What qualifications are required to pursue a career in Health and Physical Education?

A degree in Health and Physical Education or a related field is typically required, along with relevant certifications and practical experience.

3. How can one enhance their earning potential in this field?

Continuous professional development, acquiring specialized certifications, and gaining diverse experience can significantly enhance earning potential in Health and Physical Education.

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