Salary Structure

Salary structure of English and Literary Studies graduate in Nigeria

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Embarking on your professional journey with a degree in English and Literary Studies can feel like an exciting adventure. But how do you know what your skills are worth in the job market? Let’s demystify the salary landscape for you, making it simple and clear.

Where Can Your Literary Skills Take You?

Your expertise in English and Literary Studies isn’t limited to just books and poetry; it’s a versatile tool that can open doors across various sectors:

  • Education: Schools and universities appreciate your ability to communicate and analyze. If you choose to teach, you might earn between ₦30,000 to ₦100,000 monthly, depending on your experience.
  • Media and Publishing: Whether it’s writing for newspapers or editing online content, your skills are in demand. Entry-level roles could start at ₦50,000 to ₦70,000 per month, with higher positions offering more.
  • Public Relations and Advertising: Your storytelling abilities are valuable in PR and advertising. Starting off as a PR assistant or copywriter could land you ₦40,000 to ₦60,000 monthly, with room to grow.
  • Corporate Communication: Businesses need you to craft their messages. Starting salaries here can range from ₦50,000 to ₦70,000, with potential for growth.
  • Government and Non-profit: Your research and communication skills are highly sought after. Entry-level positions can offer ₦40,000 to ₦60,000 per month.

Breaking Down the Numbers

Let’s dive deeper into what you could potentially earn at different stages of your career:

  • Entry-Level (0-2 years):

    • Education: ₦30,000 – ₦70,000
    • Media and Publishing: ₦50,000 – ₦70,000
    • PR and Advertising: ₦40,000 – ₦60,000
    • Corporate Communication: ₦50,000 – ₦70,000
    • Government and Non-profit: ₦40,000 – ₦60,000
  • Mid-Level (3-5 years):

    • Education: ₦70,000 – ₦150,000
    • Media and Publishing: ₦70,000 – ₦200,000
    • PR and Advertising: ₦60,000 – ₦250,000
    • Corporate Communication: ₦70,000 – ₦300,000
    • Government and Non-profit: ₦60,000 – ₦200,000
  • Senior Level (6+ years):

    • Education: ₦150,000 – ₦500,000+
    • Media and Publishing: ₦200,000 – ₦1,000,000+
    • PR and Advertising: ₦250,000 – ₦1,000,000+
    • Corporate Communication: ₦300,000 – ₦1,000,000+
    • Government and Non-profit: ₦200,000 – ₦500,000+


Your degree in English and Literary Studies offers a wide array of opportunities across different industries in Nigeria. Knowing your worth empowers you to negotiate better and make informed career decisions. So, armed with this information, go ahead and make your mark in the professional world!


  1. What factors can influence my salary?

    • Your salary can vary based on your role, organization, location, and your negotiation skills.
  2. Can I switch between sectors with my degree?

    • Absolutely! Your skills are transferable across various industries like education, media, PR, and corporate communication.
  3. How can I negotiate a better salary?

    • Research industry standards, highlight your skills and achievements, and confidently discuss your expectations during negotiations.

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