Salary Structure

Salary structure of Educational / Psychology Guidance And Counselling graduate in Nigeria

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Embarking on the journey of post-graduation career exploration can feel like stepping into a whirlwind, especially armed with the powerful knowledge of Educational/Psychology Guidance and Counselling (EPGC). But fear not, as the career landscape for EPGC graduates in Nigeria is not only vast but also incredibly rewarding.

Where Can EPGC Graduates Work in Nigeria?

  1. Schools: Public and private schools across the nation eagerly seek the expertise of EPGC graduates. Here, you’ll find yourself offering vital support to students, teachers, and families, with opportunities in teaching and counseling roles.
  2. Universities and Colleges: Higher education institutions provide a dynamic environment where you can guide students through academic choices, personal challenges, and career transitions.
  3. NGOs and Social Work Organizations: Dedicate your skills to empowering vulnerable communities. NGOs and social work organizations rely on your counsel to tackle issues like mental health, child protection, and youth development.
  4. Government Agencies: Contribute to shaping national policies and programs affecting education, mental health, and social welfare by working with government agencies at various levels.
  5. Private Practice: Set up your own private practice and become a beacon of guidance for individuals, couples, and families seeking therapeutic expertise.

Salary Structures at Various Levels


  • Schools: ₦40,000 to ₦60,000 per month
  • Universities and Colleges: ₦50,000 to ₦70,000 per month
  • NGOs and Social Work Organizations: ₦35,000 to ₦50,000 per month
  • Government Agencies: Starting around ₦100,000 per month

Mid-Level (3-5 years of experience):

  • Schools: ₦70,000 to ₦100,000 per month
  • Universities and Colleges: ₦80,000 to ₦120,000 per month
  • NGOs and Social Work Organizations: ₦60,000 to ₦80,000 per month
  • Government Agencies: Up to ₦150,000 per month

Senior Level (5+ years of experience):

  • Schools: ₦120,000 to ₦150,000 per month
  • Universities and Colleges: ₦150,000 to ₦200,000 per month
  • NGOs and Social Work Organizations: ₦100,000 to ₦150,000 per month
  • Government Agencies: Exceeding ₦200,000 per month


The career landscape for EPGC graduates in Nigeria is rich with opportunities across various sectors. Whether you choose to work in schools, universities, NGOs, government agencies, or start your own private practice, your expertise is highly valued and can make a significant impact. As you navigate your career path, remember that your dedication and experience can lead to rewarding salaries and opportunities for growth.


1. What additional qualifications can boost my salary potential?

  • Additional certifications in counseling specialties, leadership training, and advanced degrees can enhance your expertise and increase your earning potential.

2. Is private practice a viable option for EPGC graduates?

  • Yes, setting up a private practice allows you to tailor your services to meet the specific needs of clients while potentially earning higher salaries compared to traditional employment.

3. How can I advance my career in government agencies?

  • Continual professional development, networking within the industry, and seeking out leadership opportunities within your agency can help you climb the ranks and access higher salary brackets.

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