Salary Structure

Governors Salary in Nigeria (2023)

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Nigeria, a nation with a rich tapestry of governance, sees its governors playing a crucial role in shaping the socio-political landscape. Among the burning questions on the minds of many Nigerians is the salary structure of these high-profile figures. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricate details, unveiling the monthly and annual earnings of Nigerian governors and shedding light on the various allowances that contribute to their overall compensation.

Section 1:

Understanding the Salary Breakdown Contrary to widespread speculations, Nigerian governors receive a monthly salary, similar to other public servants. Notably, our research reveals that governors across the 36 states of Nigeria all earn the same salary. As of now, the monthly salary for a Nigerian governor stands at 2.22 million Naira, translating to an annual sum of 11,540,896 Naira. This figure encompasses various allowances, including those for furniture, health, accommodation, and hazard. Additionally, governors are entitled to a vehicle loan calculated at 400% of their basic salary.

Section 2:

Beyond the Basic Salary – Exploring Allowances Governors enjoy a range of allowances beyond their basic salary. This includes estacode and duty tour allowances, with the former dispensed in foreign currency for international trips and the latter paid in Nigerian currency for local excursions. A leave allowance of 222,370 Naira is also granted, providing governors with additional financial support. Upon completing a 4-year tenure, governors receive a gratuity of 6.67 million Naira as a token of appreciation for their service.

Section 3:

Average Salary and Career Levels Due to the standardized payment structure established by the Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Commission (RMFAC), all governors in Nigeria receive the same salary. Therefore, the average salary for a Nigerian governor remains at 2.223 million Naira. Interestingly, the role of a governor doesn’t have traditional career levels, and the salary mentioned earlier serves as both the entry-level and average salary for governors.

Section 4:

Senior Level Salary and Unique Hierarchical Structure The hierarchical structure for governors is unique, as each state has only one governor. The absence of a distinct senior level means that the salary for governors does not differ based on seniority. Both the average and entry-level salary, as previously stated, apply uniformly to all governors.


In demystifying the mystery surrounding the salary of Nigerian governors, we’ve uncovered a standardized compensation structure that applies across all states. This insightful guide provides a comprehensive overview of the monthly earnings, allowances, and additional benefits that contribute to the overall income of these prominent figures in Nigerian governance. Understanding these details offers a glimpse into the financial aspects of governing in Nigeria, providing clarity for those seeking information on this topic.

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