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Global Futures Scholarship University of Manchester UK

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The University of Manchester is proud to offer Global Futures Scholarship awards totaling more than £1.7 million to international students, commencing their studies in September 2022.

This scholarship is open to both undergraduate and master’s students holding an offer from The University of Manchester and evaluation will be based on academic merit and the quality of your scholarship application.

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To be eligible for a Global Futures Scholarship, you must be domiciled in one of the countries listed below. You must also be self-funded (not sponsored). The level of award, eligibility criteria and application deadlines differ for each region so check your country profile for specific details:

Also check: British Council’s GREAT Scholarships Program 2022-2023

To be eligible to apply, you must hold an offer of a study place at The University of Manchester for a course that will commence in September 2022. You’ll be required to submit an online application form which will be automatically emailed to all relevant offer-holders by the International Office.

Click here for more details and how to apply
Also check this: Scholarships in Dubai (UAE) 2022-2023: Study and Live In Dubai For Free

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