ScholarshipsScholarships in EuropeSCHOLARSHIPS IN THE UK

British Chevening Scholarships 2023/2024 to Study in United Kingdom – Fully Funded

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About Chevening Scholarships

Chevening awards students with fully funded scholarships and fellowships who are passionate with the ideas to generate positive change. It is a program of UK Government for international scholarships. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the UK government, and other partner organizations fund this scholarship program.

Financial Benefits for British Chevening Scholarships

The successful candidates will receive following financial benefits:

  • Full Tuition fees coverage
  • Economy class travel (from applicant’s country to the United Kingdom) for student only
  • Arrival allowance
  • The cost of an entry clearance (visa) application (for student only)
  • Allowance for departure
  • Allowance of travel top-up
  • Stipend (allowance) per month to cover applicant’s accommodation and living expenditures. This allowance will depend on whether the applicant is studying inside or outside London. These allowance rates are subject to annual review.

Application Procedures for British Chevening Scholarships 2023

The application submissions are based on applicant’s country of citizenship. Please visit >>here<<, and check the eligibility criteria, application procedure and submission under your country.


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