Salary Structure

Salary Structure of Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN)

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Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) played a crucial role in shaping Nigeria’s electricity landscape from 1994 to 2013. As a state-owned utility company, PHCN was entrusted with the vital task of generating, transmitting, and distributing electricity across the nation. In this blog post, we delve into the salary structure, grades, and benefits that characterized the working experience at PHCN, shedding light on its organizational intricacies and the subsequent transformation it underwent.

PHCN Salary Structure: A Graded Approach

Entry-Level Salaries: For those starting their career journey at PHCN, the entry-level salaries ranged from N30,000 to N50,000 per month. This base salary provided a foundation for employees with no prior experience, setting the stage for progression within the organization.

Grade System Overview: PHCN’s salary structure was meticulously organized into different grades, each corresponding to a specific salary range. These grades were not only indicative of an employee’s level within the organization but were also influenced by their cumulative work experience.

  • Grade 1: N50,000 to N100,000 per month
  • Grade 2: N100,000 to N150,000 per month
  • Grade 3: N150,000 to N200,000 per month
  • Grade 4: N200,000 to N250,000 per month
  • Grade 5: N250,000 to N300,000 per month
  • Grade 6: N300,000 to N350,000 per month
  • Grade 7: N350,000 to N400,000 per month

Benefits at PHCN: Beyond the Salary

In addition to competitive salaries, PHCN employees enjoyed a comprehensive package of benefits, underscoring the company’s commitment to the well-being and growth of its workforce.

  1. Health Insurance: PHCN prioritized the health of its employees by providing robust health insurance coverage. This not only ensured access to medical care but also contributed to the overall welfare of the workforce.
  2. Pension Contributions: Recognizing the importance of financial security in the long term, PHCN made pension contributions a fundamental aspect of its benefits package. This foresight aimed to support employees in their retirement years.
  3. Paid Time Off: Work-life balance was a key focus at PHCN, with employees entitled to paid time off. This acknowledgment of the importance of rest and recreation contributed to a positive work environment.
  4. Training and Development: PHCN invested in the professional growth of its employees through ongoing training and development programs. This commitment not only enhanced individual skills but also contributed to the overall competence of the organization.

The Privatization of PHCN: A Turning Point

In 2013, PHCN underwent a significant transformation as the Nigerian government privatized the company. This decision led to the division of PHCN’s assets among several entities, marking a turning point in the nation’s electricity sector.


The legacy of PHCN lives on in the memories of those who were part of this dynamic organization. From its graded salary structure to a robust benefits package, PHCN was committed to fostering a conducive and rewarding work environment. As we reflect on the journey of PHCN, we acknowledge the pivotal role it played in shaping Nigeria’s power sector and the lives of those who powered the nation.

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