Salary Structure

Salary Structure of National Centre for Technology Management (NACETEM)

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When it comes to fostering technology and innovation in Nigeria, the National Centre for Technology Management (NACETEM) is at the forefront. Established in 1993 under the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, NACETEM plays a pivotal role in driving sustainable economic growth through technology development and utilization.

Understanding NACETEM’s Salary Tiers

If you’re considering a career at NACETEM or simply curious about their salary offerings, here’s a breakdown to help you grasp their competitive pay structure:

Entry-Level Positions:

  • Grade Level 7: Starting at ₦1,248,239 per year
  • Grade Level 8: Beginning at ₦1,403,728 annually
  • Grade Level 9: Entry salary stands at ₦1,567,463 per annum

Mid-Level Positions:

  • Grade Level 10: Earns around ₦1,742,362 annually
  • Grade Level 11: A mid-level salary of ₦1,929,255 per year
  • Grade Level 12: Mid-tier employees receive ₦2,129,017 per annum

Senior-Level Positions:

  • Grade Level 13: Senior professionals start at ₦2,342,813 annually
  • Grade Level 14: Experienced seniors can expect ₦2,571,524 per year
  • Grade Level 15: Top-tier seniors receive ₦2,815,670 annually

Directorate-Level Positions:

  • Grade Level 16: Directors earn approximately ₦3,075,864 per year
  • Grade Level 17: Top leadership at ₦3,352,297 annually


NACETEM’s salary structure offers competitive remuneration across various levels, reflecting its commitment to attracting and retaining top talent in the technology sector. Whether you’re starting your career or looking to climb the corporate ladder, NACETEM provides a rewarding environment both professionally and financially.


  1. What is NACETEM’s main role?

    • NACETEM promotes technology development and utilization for sustainable economic growth in Nigeria.
  2. How often are salaries reviewed at NACETEM?

    • Salary reviews are typically conducted periodically, considering inflation, economic factors, and organizational performance.
  3. Is there room for career growth at NACETEM?

    • Absolutely! NACETEM values professional development and offers opportunities for career advancement across various levels.

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