Salary Structure

Average salary in Nigeria by industry

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Nigeria, a country with a vibrant and diverse economy, presents a myriad of opportunities across various industries. Whether you’re in executive management or the thriving information technology sector, understanding the average salaries can provide valuable insights. In this blog post, we break down the average monthly salaries in Nigeria by industry, highlight the highest-paying sectors, and shed light on what constitutes a good monthly income. Additionally, we explore companies renowned for offering top salaries and delve into the concept of the middle class in Nigeria.

Average Monthly Salaries by Industry:

  1. Executive Management and Change: NGN 960,000
    • Positions in executive management and change command the highest average monthly salary, reflecting the strategic importance of these roles.
  2. Financial Services: NGN 590,000
    • The financial services industry follows closely, offering competitive salaries to professionals contributing to the country’s economic growth.
  3. Program Management: NGN 440,000
    • Program management roles are pivotal in overseeing and implementing key initiatives, with a corresponding average monthly salary.
  4. Information Technology (IT): NGN 410,000
    • The rapidly expanding IT sector attracts skilled professionals with competitive salaries, reflecting the industry’s significance in the digital age.
  5. Oil and Gas: NGN 390,000
    • Nigeria’s rich oil and gas sector continues to be a major contributor to the economy, with well-compensated positions.
  6. Engineering: NGN 360,000
    • Engineers play a crucial role in various industries, and their salaries reflect the demand for their expertise.
  7. Healthcare: NGN 330,000
    • The healthcare sector, essential for the well-being of the population, offers competitive salaries to its dedicated professionals.
  8. Construction: NGN 320,000
    • Construction, a key driver of infrastructure development, sees professionals rewarded with a respectable average monthly income.
  9. Manufacturing: NGN 310,000
    • The manufacturing sector provides opportunities for skilled workers, contributing to the nation’s industrial growth.
  10. Education: NGN 290,000
    • Educators play a vital role in shaping the future, and the education sector offers salaries that recognize their impact.
  11. Retail: NGN 270,000
    • The retail industry, a cornerstone of the economy, provides employment with competitive average monthly salaries.
  12. Agriculture: NGN 260,000
    • Agriculture, a vital sector for food production, offers salaries reflecting its contribution to the nation’s sustenance.

High-Paying Industries in Nigeria:

Certain industries consistently stand out for offering the highest salaries in Nigeria:

  • Oil and Gas
  • Executive Management and Change
  • Financial Services
  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Engineering
  • Healthcare

Determining a Good Monthly Salary in Nigeria:

While the definition of a good monthly salary is subjective, earning 300,000 NGN or more is generally considered favorable. Factors such as lifestyle and financial goals influence individual perceptions of what constitutes a good income in Nigeria.

Top-Paying Companies in Nigeria:

Several companies are renowned for consistently offering top salaries in Nigeria. These include:

  • Shell Nigeria
  • ExxonMobil
  • Chevron
  • TotalEnergies
  • MTN Nigeria

Understanding Middle-Class Income in Nigeria:

The middle class in Nigeria is typically defined as individuals earning between 150,000 NGN and 500,000 NGN per month. This income range signifies a level of financial stability and economic contribution.


Navigating Nigeria’s salary landscape involves considering factors such as industry, experience, and education. Whether you’re aiming for a high-paying position in the oil and gas sector or contributing to the nation’s growth in IT, understanding salary benchmarks is key. Stay informed, explore opportunities, and make informed career decisions to achieve your financial goals in this dynamic and diverse economy.

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