Salary Structure

Salary structure of Agricultural Extension graduate in Nigeria

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If you’re an Agricultural Extension graduate in Nigeria, your future is filled with exciting opportunities. Whether you’re passionate about agribusiness, government roles, or NGO work, your skills are highly sought after. Let’s dive into the various career paths available to you and what you can expect in terms of salary.

Government Roles

Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD)

  • Roles: Agricultural Officer, Assistant Director
  • Salary Range:
    • Entry-level: ₦50,000 – ₦120,000 monthly
    • Senior roles: Exceeding ₦400,000

Agricultural Research Institutes (ARIs)

  • Roles: Research Officer, Senior Research Scientist
  • Salary Range:
    • Entry-level: ₦60,000
    • Senior roles: Up to ₦250,000

Extension Services Departments

  • Salary: Similar to FMARD

Agribusiness Opportunities

Large-scale Farms and Plantations

  • Roles: Junior Agronomist, Farm Manager
  • Salary Range:
    • Junior roles: ₦70,000
    • Senior roles: ₦200,000 or more

Input/Output Supply Chains

  • Roles: Sales Representative, Area Manager
  • Salary Range:
    • Entry-level: ₦40,000
    • Senior roles: Up to ₦150,000

Agro-processing Firms

  • Roles: Quality Control Officer, Production Supervisor
  • Salary Range:
    • Entry-level: ₦55,000
    • Senior roles: ₦180,000

NGO Roles

International Development Organizations

  • Roles: Project Officer, Program Manager
  • Salary Range:
    • Entry-level: ₦65,000
    • Senior roles: Up to ₦300,000

Local NGOs

  • Roles: Field Officer, Senior Program Coordinator
  • Salary Range:
    • Entry-level: ₦45,000
    • Senior roles: ₦120,000

Other Potential Employers

Universities and Colleges

  • Roles: Lecturer
  • Salary Range: ₦100,000 and above

Consultancy Firms

  • Roles: Junior Consultant, Senior Consultant
  • Salary Range:
    • Junior roles: ₦80,000
    • Senior roles: ₦250,000


The agricultural sector in Nigeria offers a diverse range of career opportunities for Agricultural Extension graduates. Whether you’re interested in government roles, agribusiness, or NGO work, there’s something for everyone. While the salary ranges provided are starting points, remember that they can vary based on the organization, location, and experience level.


1. Are these salary ranges fixed?

  • No, these are approximate ranges. Actual salaries can vary based on the organization, location, and your experience.

2. Can I negotiate my salary?

  • Yes, it’s often possible to negotiate your salary, especially if you have relevant experience or additional qualifications.

3. Are there opportunities for career growth?

  • Absolutely! With experience and further training, you can progress to senior roles with higher salaries and more responsibilities in your chosen field.

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