Salary Structure

Salary structure of Agronomy graduate in Nigeria

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Choosing a career in Agronomy is an exciting journey, especially in a country like Nigeria where agriculture plays a pivotal role. For recent graduates in Agronomy, understanding your potential job opportunities and salary expectations can make all the difference in shaping your career path. In this guide, we’ll explore the different workplaces available for Agronomy graduates in Nigeria and provide insights into salary ranges at various career stages.

Where Can Agronomy Graduates Work?

1. Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD)

The FMARD is a key player in shaping Nigeria’s agricultural policies. Agronomy graduates can find roles in extension services, research, and policy analysis here.

  • Salary: Fresh graduates can expect a monthly salary between NGN40,000 to NGN50,000, with potential for growth based on experience and performance.

2. International Research Institutes (IRIs)

Institutions like IITA, ICRISAT, and IITA focus on agricultural research and technology. They offer roles in field trials, data analysis, and project management.

  • Salary: Entry-level salaries usually start from NGN50,000 to NGN60,000 per month, along with competitive benefits and chances for international exposure.

3. Private Agribusinesses

From seed companies to processing firms, the private sector offers diverse opportunities in roles like field sales, technical support, and production management.

  • Salary: Depending on the company and location, entry-level salaries range from NGN35,000 to NGN55,000 monthly.

4. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

NGOs focusing on rural development and food security offer roles in project implementation and sustainable agriculture practices.

  • Salary: While starting salaries might be slightly lower, around NGN30,000 to NGN45,000 monthly, they often come with benefits like field exposure and personal growth opportunities.

5. Academia

Universities and research institutions provide teaching and research positions, offering job security and opportunities for career advancement.

  • Salary: Entry-level positions typically offer salaries between NGN45,000 to NGN55,000 monthly.

Salary Guide by Career Level

  • Entry-Level (0-3 years): NGN30,000 to NGN60,000 monthly
  • Mid-Level (4-7 years): NGN60,000 to NGN120,000 monthly
  • Senior Level (8-15 years): NGN120,000 to NGN250,000 monthly
  • Executive Level (15+ years): NGN250,000 and above


Embarking on a career in Agronomy offers a wealth of opportunities in various sectors, from government bodies to private enterprises and NGOs. Understanding the salary landscape at different career stages empowers you to negotiate effectively and plan your professional growth. Whether you’re passionate about research, policy, or community development, there’s a rewarding career waiting for you in Agronomy.


1. What are the key sectors employing Agronomy graduates in Nigeria?

Agronomy graduates can find employment in sectors like government agencies (FMARD), international research institutes (IRIs), private agribusinesses, NGOs, and academia.

2. What is the average salary for an entry-level Agronomy position?

Entry-level salaries typically range from NGN30,000 to NGN60,000 per month, depending on the organization and location.

3. How can I advance my career in Agronomy?

To advance in Agronomy, consider gaining relevant experience, pursuing further education or certifications, networking with professionals in the field, and demonstrating strong performance and leadership skills

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